Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's been far too long since I updated, and it hasn't been substantial stuff, either. I do apologize to my reader, if he or she even exists. The fact is that I've been busy, but probably not too busy to update. I'm studying finance now, which is interesting to me, so maybe I'll do the inevitable economics post soon. I've also been playing TF2, and believe me, I have some thoughts on THAT.

Let's just do a nice simple post everyone can agree on: in games that are paid for and played online in a competitive fashion (that is, against other people), it is wrong to give people who afford to pay more an advantage. I'm not talking about the Mann Co. store. Valve has done a good job of balancing the add-on weapons and in any case they all drop randomly if you play long enough. I'm talking about servers that allow people to pay for "premium." That shit has got to stop. It's unbelievably frustrating, especially given the significant advantages it grants.

I will be more articulate about this later, but it's bedtime. Just wanted to get something off my chest. Real, informative blog posts returning soon, I promise.

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